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Getting the index of a timestamp element in a pandas data frame

I have a pandas data frame that I created as follows:

dates = pd.date_range('12-01-2020','12-10-2020')
my_df = pd.DataFrame(dates, columns = ['Date'])

So this gives

0 2020-12-01
1 2020-12-02
2 2020-12-03
3 2020-12-04
4 2020-12-05
5 2020-12-06
6 2020-12-07
7 2020-12-08
8 2020-12-09
9 2020-12-10

My question is very elementary: What is the correct function to use for returning the index of a given date? I have tried my_df['Date'].index('2020-12-05') , expecting to get 4, but instead I got the following error: 'RangeIndex' object is not callable. I also tried

d = pd.TimeStamp('12-05-2020' + '00:00:00') 

but I got the same error...I'm confused because I've used.index successfully in similar situations, such as on lists with integers. Any help would be appreciated.

You can also use query without having to reset the index

my_df.query("Date == '2020-12-05'").index.values[0]

or if you want to assign the value to search:

d = pd.to_datetime('12-05-2020') 
my_df.query("Date == @d").index.values[0]

or without loc or query

my_df[my_df.Date == '12-05-2020'].index.values[0]

And your answer:


You could reset the index

my_df.reset_index().loc[my_df.Date == '2020-12-05', 'index']

or to get the scalar

my_df.reset_index().loc[my_df.Date == '2020-12-05', 'index'].values[0]

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