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create a routine in python

So I need my program to run a task every given hour of a given day, I looked for a module that could easily do it and it exists, the schedule one, unfortunately we do not have it at my company's computer and I am not allowed to install anything, so I thought of something like this as a solution

import datetime

now = datetime.datetime.now()
while True:
    if now.strftime("%d") == '09':
        if now.strftime("%H") == '18':
            do something

but it does not quite work as expected, if i Run the program at the schedulled time it runs normally, but if it's not, it does nothing when the time comes

what can I do?

You've defined now outside the loop at the start of the program. Once running, it never changes. Set now inside the loop, and consider using sleep to let this program not waste resources as much.

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