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How to loop through htmlcollection object?

I have looked at almost every question that has been asked here about htmlcollection.

So I have a div and I am fetching data and creating divs inside this div with ajax so they are not hardcoded.

this is how div look like before I fetch the data

    <div id="tivvits"></div>

this is how div#tivvits looks like after I call function show_all_tivvits();show_all_tivvits() is a function where I create a ajax request and create new divs such as div#tivvit-21, div#tivvit-22, etc.

    <div id="tivvits">
        <div id="tivvit-19" class="grid-container">...</div>
        <div id="tivvit-20" class="grid-container">...</div>

this is part of the js file

    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
        var t = document.getElementById('tivvits');
        const j = t.getElementsByClassName("grid-container");
        const k = Array.prototype.slice.call(j)
        for (var i = 0; i < k.length; i++) {


what I wanted to do in show_all_tivvits() function is I want to get the divs that are already in the div#tivvits and that way I am not gonna create them again but the problem is when I use console.log() to print out document.getElementById('tivvits').getElementsByClassName('grid-container') there are items in the htmlcollection but when I print out length it returns 0.

one more thing when I open inspect>source in chrome my index.php doesn't have updated div#tivvits. I have tried almost every way to loop this htmlcollection but it is not working.

list of things I have tried;



[].forEach.call(links, function (el) {...});

HTMLCollection.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator];

HTMLCollection.prototype.forEach = Array.prototype.forEach;

It's not really clear, but are you looking for something like this?

targets = document.querySelectorAll('#tivvits > .grid-container')
for (let target of targets)

This should select all <div> nodes which are direct children of the <div id="tivvits"> node and have a class attribute with the value "grid-container" , and extract from them the attribute value of the id attribute.

Have a go with this

I use the spread operator to allow the use of map on the HTMLCollection

 window.addEventListener("load", function() { const gridContainers = document.querySelectorAll("#tivvits.grid-container"); const ids = [...gridContainers].map(div => div.id); console.log(ids) });
 <div id="tivvits"> <div id="tivvit-19" class="grid-container">...</div> <div id="tivvit-20" class="grid-container">...</div> </div>

To just display change

const ids = [...gridContainers].map(div => div.id);


[...gridContainers].forEach(div => console.log(div.id));

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