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IDENTITY SEED is incrementing based on other tables seed values

I'm using SQL SERVER 2017 and using SSMS 2018. I have created a few tables whose Primary Key is int and enabled Is Identity and set Identity Increment = 1 and Identity Seed=1 For all the tables I have used the same method. But When I added one record in a table say Lead it's ID was 2 , Then added value to the table say Followup then its ID was 3 . Here I'm adding the screenshots for a better understanding

Lead Table铅表

Followup Table跟进表

Is there any option available to avoid this? can we keep the identity individual for each table?

The documentation is quite specific about what identity does not guarantee :

The identity property on a column does not guarantee the following:

  • Uniqueness of the value . . .

  • Consecutive values within a transaction . . .

  • Consecutive values after server restart or other failures . . .

  • Reuse of values

In general, the "uniqueness" property is a non-issue, because identity columns are usually the primary key (or routinely declared at least unique ), which does guarantee uniqueness.

The purpose of an identity column is to provide a unique numeric identifier different from other rows, so it can be readily used as a primary key. There are no other guarantees. And for performance SQL Server has lots of short-cuts that result in gaps.

If you want no gaps, then the simplest way is to assign a value when querying:

row_number() over (order by <identity column>)

That is not 100% satisfying, because deletions can affect the value. I also think that on parallel systems, inserts can as well (because identities might be cached on individual nodes).

If you do not care about performance, you can use a sequence for assigning a value. This is less performant than using an identity . Basically, it requires serializing all the inserts to guarantee the properties of the insert.

I should note that even with a sequence, a failed insert can still produce gaps, so it still might not do what you want.

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