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How to escape asterisk symbol '*' in an array in bash shell

I am a newbie for the bash shell. The previous developer created the following codes to use a shell script to deploy AWS cloudformation stack.

  1. Read a json file and using jq to convert it to an array called parameters
  2. Using ${parameters[@]} to spread into key=value pair strings

The problem is one array value is cron(0 20-6 * *? *) . The deploy.sh will convert the * as current directory file names such as cron(0 20-6 CODEOWNERS README.md CODEOWNERS README.md? *)

My question: How can I let my deploy.sh to escape the * characters when calling ${parameters[@]} .

Here are the example codes:


  "Parameters": {
    "Environment": "dev",
    "CrawlerScheduleExpression": "cron(0 20-6  * * ? *)"
  "Tags": {
    "Severity": "High",
    "Environment": "dev",
    "DeletionPolicy": "Retain"


parameters=($(jq -r '.Parameters | keys[] as $k | "\($k)=\(.[$k])"' "dev.json")) 
tags=($(jq -r '.Tags | keys[] as $k | "\($k)=\(.[$k])"' "${conf_file}"))

    aws cloudformation deploy \
    --s3-bucket ${BUILD_ARTIFACTS_BUCKET} \
    --s3-prefix ${PROJECT_NAME} \
    --template-file ${template} --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \
    --parameter-overrides "${parameters[@]}" \ # Environment=dev CrawlerScheduleExpression=cron(0 20-6 CODEOWNERS README.md CODEOWNERS README.md ? *) 
    --tags "${tags[@]}"  

In the end, I have to disable the bash wildcard expansion to achieve my goal:(

set noglob on

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