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Flutter websockets + Spring Boot chat application

I'm trying to setup connection between Flutter and Spring boot as backend using websocket, but I came across many problems. I found in the Internet many tutorials even on StackOverflow but still I can't correctly build my chat application. I have been using this tutorial for backend: https://kiberstender.github.io/miscelaneous-spring-websocket-stomp-specific-user/

I just want to simple print the log on my backend service after incoming message, but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Flutter code:

try {
  StompClient stompClient = StompClient(
    config: StompConfig(
      url: "ws://",
      onStompError: (StompFrame frame) {
            'A stomp error occurred in web socket connection :: ${frame.body}');
      onWebSocketError: (dynamic frame) {
            'A Web socket error occurred in web socket connection :: ${frame.toString()}');
      onDebugMessage: (dynamic frame) {
            'A debug error occurred in web socket connection :: ${frame.toString()}');
      onConnect: (StompClient client, StompFrame connectFrame) {
            '${client.toString()} connected with the following frames ${connectFrame.body}');
        _stompClient = client;

        Map<String, String> asdf = {};
        var clientUnSubscribeFn = _stompClient.subscribe(
            destination: "ws://",
            headers: asdf,
            callback: (frame) {
              // Received a frame for this subscription
              print("here" + frame.body);

sendClientMessage(String msg) async {
Map<String, String> asdf = {};
var clientUnSubscribeFn = await _stompClient.subscribe(
    destination: "ws://",
    headers: asdf,
    callback: (frame) {
      // Received a frame for this subscription
      print("here" + frame.body);
    destination: "ws://",
    body: "newUser\n",
    headers: asdf);
clientUnSubscribeFn = await _stompClient.subscribe(
    destination: "ws://",
    headers: asdf,
    callback: (frame) {
      // Received a frame for this subscription
      print("here" + frame.body);


Backend code:

public class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {

public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
    config.enableSimpleBroker("/user", "/topic", "/queue");

public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {


And the controller

    @MessageMapping("/register") // 3
public Set<String> registerUser(String webChatUsername) {
    if (!connectedUsers.contains(webChatUsername)) {
        simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSend("/topic/newMember", webChatUsername); // 4
        return connectedUsers;
    } else {
        return new HashSet<>();

@MessageMapping("/unregister") // 5
public String unregisterUser(String webChatUsername) {
    return webChatUsername;

@MessageMapping("/message") // 6
public void greeting(WebSocketMessage message) {
    simpMessagingTemplate.convertAndSendToUser(message.toWhom, "/msg", message);

In your backend code try this:

public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {

You don't need to supply the full URL again when subscribing/sending messages. So this:

var clientUnSubscribeFn = await _stompClient.subscribe(
    destination: "ws://",
    headers: asdf,
    callback: (frame) {
      // Received a frame for this subscription
      print("here" + frame.body);
    destination: "ws://",
    body: "newUser\n",
    headers: asdf);

should be

var clientUnSubscribeFn = await _stompClient.subscribe(
    destination: "/topic/newMember",
    headers: asdf,
    callback: (frame) {
      // Received a frame for this subscription
      print("here" + frame.body);
    destination: "/app/register",
    body: "newUser\n",
    headers: asdf);

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