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Define and declare a const std::array with constexpr if

I am trying to implement Gauss-Legendre quadrature, and I want a templated function that takes the number of points as a template parameter. Right now I have this:

template<int number_of_quadrature_points>
double gaussian_quadrature_integral_core(double (*f)(double), double from, double to){
    double scaling_factor = (to-from)/2;   
    double average_factor = (from+to)/2;
    std::array<double, number_of_quadrature_points> factors;
    std::array<double, number_of_quadrature_points> points;
    if constexpr(number_of_quadrature_points == 2){
        factors = {1, 1};
        points = {-1.0/sqrt(3), 1.0/sqrt(3)};
    if constexpr(number_of_quadrature_points == 3){
        factors = {5.0/9.0, 8.0/9.0, 5.0/9.0};
        points = {-sqrt(3.0/5.0), 0, sqrt(3.0/5.0)};
    double sum = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < number_of_quadrature_points; i++){
        sum += factors.at(i)*((*f)(scaling_factor*points.at(i)+average_factor));

    sum *= scaling_factor;
    return sum;

As you see, when the template parameter changes, not only the array size changes, but also the content is changed, but for a given size the content is well known. For this reason I think it would be better if the std::arrays were const static, as the function is called many times.

Right now I have only managed to use if constexpr to declare the array, but how can I use it both to define and declare the array so It is visible outside the if constexpr scope and the arrays are only defined once?

Adding two helper functions could be enough (if you're using C++20):

template<unsigned N>
constexpr auto init_factors() {
    std::array<double, N> rv;
    if constexpr(N == 2){
        rv = {1., 1.};
    } else {
        rv = {5.0/9.0, 8.0/9.0, 5.0/9.0};
    return rv;

template<unsigned N>
constexpr auto init_points() {
    std::array<double, N> rv;
    if constexpr(N == 2){
        rv = {-1.0/std::sqrt(3.), 1.0/std::sqrt(3.)};
    } else {
        rv = {-std::sqrt(3.0/5.0), 0, std::sqrt(3.0/5.0)};
    return rv;

template<unsigned number_of_quadrature_points>
double gaussian_quadrature_integral_core(double (*f)(double), double from,
                                                              double to)
    static constexpr auto factors = init_factors<number_of_quadrature_points>();
    static constexpr auto points = init_points<number_of_quadrature_points>();

To prevent usage with the wrong number of points, you could add a static_assert

template<unsigned number_of_quadrature_points>
gaussian_quadrature_integral_core(double (*f)(double), double from,
                                                       double to)

...or prevent matching using SFINAE if you want to make a specialization later:

#include <type_traits>

template<unsigned number_of_quadrature_points>
gaussian_quadrature_integral_core(double (*f)(double), double from,
                                                       double to)

You might have template variable:

template <std::size_t N>
static constexpr std::array<double, N> factors;

template <std::size_t N>
static constexpr std::array<double, N> points;

template <>
constexpr std::array<double, 2> factors<2>{{1, 1}};
template <>
constexpr std::array<double, 2> points<2>{{-1.0 / sqrt(3), 1.0 / sqrt(3)}};

template <>
constexpr std::array<double, 3> factors<3>{{5.0 / 9.0, 8.0 / 9.0, 5.0 / 9.0}};
template <>
constexpr std::array<double, 3> points<3>{{-sqrt(3.0 / 5.0), 0, sqrt(3.0 / 5.0)}};

and then

template<int number_of_quadrature_points>
double gaussian_quadrature_integral_core(double (*f)(double), double from, double to)
    const double scaling_factor = (to - from) / 2;   
    const double average_factor = (from + to) / 2;
    double sum = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < number_of_quadrature_points; i++){
        sum += factors<number_of_quadrature_points>[i]
           * ((*f)(scaling_factor * points<number_of_quadrature_points>[i] + average_factor));

    sum *= scaling_factor;
    return sum;


Notice that you have to replace constexpr by const if you don't have constexpr sqrt (which std:: isn't).

You can use something like in this topic: is there a way to put condition on constant value parameter in C++ template specialization?

So we are creating two template specialisations using std::enable_if and SFINAE. We differentiate them by template parameter number_of_quadrature_points . This way we have global parameters which does not have to be defined and instantiated multiple times. This code compiles using c++17.

Also I suggest to use modern approach with std::function<> instead of pointer to function.

#include <array>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>

template<int number_of_quadrature_points, typename E=void>
struct gaussian_quadrature_params


template<int number_of_quadrature_points>
struct gaussian_quadrature_params<number_of_quadrature_points, std::enable_if_t<(number_of_quadrature_points==2)> >
    constexpr static const std::array<double, number_of_quadrature_points> factors = {1, 1};
    constexpr static const std::array<double, number_of_quadrature_points> points = {-1.0/sqrt(3), 1.0/sqrt(3)};

template<int number_of_quadrature_points>
struct gaussian_quadrature_params<number_of_quadrature_points, std::enable_if_t<(number_of_quadrature_points==3)> >
    constexpr static const std::array<double, number_of_quadrature_points> factors = {5.0/9.0, 8.0/9.0, 5.0/9.0};
    constexpr static const std::array<double, number_of_quadrature_points> points = {-sqrt(3.0/5.0), 0, sqrt(3.0/5.0)};

double f(double x)
    return x;

template<int number_of_quadrature_points>
double gaussian_quadrature_integral_core(std::function<double(double)> f, double from, double to){
    double scaling_factor = (to-from)/2;   
    double average_factor = (from+to)/2;
    double sum = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < number_of_quadrature_points; i++){
        sum += gaussian_quadrature_params<number_of_quadrature_points>::factors.at(i)*(f(scaling_factor*gaussian_quadrature_params<number_of_quadrature_points>::points.at(i)+average_factor));

    sum *= scaling_factor;
    return sum;

int main()
   std::cout << gaussian_quadrature_integral_core<2>(f, -1.0, 1.0) << std::endl;
   std::cout << gaussian_quadrature_integral_core<3>(f, -1.0, 1.0) << std::endl;

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