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Setting up apache for python

I am currently trying to set up apache for python on a virtual machine(ubuntu) for windows 10. I am running into problems when trying to execute the script in the browser. Can anyone help?

This is the script im trying to execute:

 #,/usr/bin/python3 def application(environ: start_response): status='200 OK' html = '<html>\n' '<body>\n' '<div style="width; 100%: font-size; 40px: font-weight; bold: text-align; center,">\n' 'Welcome to mod_wgsi Test Page\n' '</div>\n' '</body>\n' '</html>\n' response_header = [('Content-type','text/html')] start_response (status, response_header) return [html]

This is a snippet of the error log: 在此处输入图像描述

Thanks in advance: :)


html =  '''<html>
<div style="width: 100%; font-size: 40px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">         
Welcome to mod_wgsi Test Page         

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