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Catching permission errors with invoke-sqlcmd and powershell

I am running the following PowerShell script, and what strikes me is that its not catching permission specific errors. I know that the error action has been set to continue, which is what I want, however I would like to track such errors but for them not to terminate the loop that I am running.

$in_sql_deployment_instance = 'SQL_SERVER'
$target_dba_database = 'TEST'
$query = "RAISERROR (15600,-1,-1, 'mysp_CreateCustomer') WITH log;  "

    $null =  invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$in_sql_deployment_instance" -Query $query -Database $target_dba_database -Querytimeout 60 -OutputSqlErrors $true -ConnectionTimeout 10 -ErrorAction Continue 


    $error_message = $_.Exception.Message
    write-output "Error occured $error_message"


I get the error back on the Ps console, but it appears I cannot catch the error etc or store in a variable.

invoke-sqlcmd : Only System Administrator can specify WITH LOG option for RAISERROR command.
At line:2 char:14
+ ...    $null =  invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance "$in_sql_deployment_instanc ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-Sqlcmd], SqlPowerShellSqlExecutionException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SqlError,Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.PowerShell.GetScriptCommand

As far as I know, in order for the catch to be executed, you would need to set your -ErrorAction to Stop .

I suppose what you could do is: set: $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue" at the top of your cmdlet and then have -ErrorAction stop on the call to invoke-sql , this should cause it to drop into the catch but continue to behave with the continue behaviour in the rest of your script.

Another option if you want to leave -ErrorAction continue would be to also set -ErrorVariable invokeSqlError and then check if that variable contains a value. If it does an error has occurred.

Something like:

if ($invokeSqlError){
    write-output "Error occured $invokeSqlError"

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