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In what way do I change the color of Jcombobox Java cell on mouse hover?

I'm trying to change the color when I mouse over a cell on a combo box. Do I use a mouse event for that or just this cell renderer?

In what way do I change the color of JComboBox cell on mouse hover?

Here's my code:

jComboBox2.setRenderer(new DefaultListCellRenderer() {
    public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list,Object value,int index,boolean isSelected,boolean cellHasFocus) {
        Component c = super.getListCellRendererComponent(list, value, index, isSelected, cellHasFocus);
        if (isSelected){
            c.setBackground(new Color(242,242,242));
        if(index == 0){
            c.setForeground(new Color(242,242,242));
            c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
        if(index == 1){
            c.setForeground(new Color(101,150,226));
            c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
        if(index == 2){
            c.setForeground(new Color(77,105,205));
            c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
        if(index == 3){
            c.setForeground(new Color(137,71,255));
            c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
        if(index == 4){
            c.setForeground(new Color(212,43,230));
            c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
        if(index == 5){
            c.setForeground(new Color(235,75,75));
            c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
        else {

        return c;


I have found the answer

I just have to nest if to change the color on hover

Like this

if(index == 0){
    c.setForeground(new Color(242,242,242));
    c.setBackground(new Color(26,35,48));
    if (isSelected) {
        c.setBackground(new Color(49,62,80));


Question: it should also change the foreground color of the combobox. jComboBox2.setForeground(new Color(211,211,211)); inside if(isSelected){} wont work

Place the if(isSelected){c.setForeground(new Color(211,211,211));} at end of else statement so the we can override color..

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