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Convert GameObject into the List of Objects made and iterate through

I trust that there are amazing people here that can solve this problem

I have a List of GameObjects that have been made in my first script;

public List<GameObject> _recordinglist = new List<GameObject>();

Then a button creates a clone and adds to the _recordinglist

      recordedObject = Instantiate(mynewPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
// adding to created list 

Now in the second Script

I have a working script that

changes the GameObject into other GameObjects. Eg Turning a Kick into a Clap with the click of different buttons where I would change the Game Object in the Inspector


Trying to do

GameObject = List[0];

Gives Errors even though it is initialised

Also I'm not sure how to click/cylce through the list with a button?

Some clear guidance for a relatively beginner coder would be greatly appreciated.

I have already asked in the Unity Forum, but it lead to confusion. I have also emailed directly and the answers aren't detailed enough. I have also checked around and haven't seen exactly what I need.

In other words,

I'm Trying to make

Recording1 = Recording2 or 3, 4, 5, 6, then start at 1 as I select through.

Instead of just Recording = Recording 2

Not sure I understood, but I think this is what you want:

GameObject r = _recordings[0]

(In the question you forgot to give the variable a name)

to iterate through the list:

int i = 0;
GameObject go = _recordings[i];
i = (i + 1) % _recordings.Length;

The modulus (%) symbol returns the division remainder, so it makes sure i would just be set back to 0 when it gets to _recordings.Length

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