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Need help to integrate SSRS 2016 Reports in Java Web Application

We are migrating SQL Server from 2008R2 to 2016 . We used exe file to access SSRS reports using ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl file.

After the migration we are getting the following error while trying to read the report using C#.net program.

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', but expected 'text/xml'.
The request failed with the error message:

   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)
   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)
   at getMaPSStartpage.ReportService2008.ReportExecutionService.LoadReport(String Report, String HistoryID)
   at getMaPSStartpage.Program.Main(String[] args)

Thanks!! Raja Sekhar

SSRS web service is returning an error message and that error is in the form of text/html. Most likely it's a permissions issue. However, you can use fiddler to capture the entire HTML contents and see the exact error message.

First, try navigating to the SSRS report service URL in a browser. Normally it's http://<reportservername>/reportserver . Then execute one of the reports. If that's successful then it could be your C# application running under a less privileged account.

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