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How can I install a specific NativeScript version?

Im trying to install the tns 6.7.4 version, but I just get the 7.1.2 version.

I tried to do:

sudo npm uninstall -g nativescript 
sudo npm cache clean --force
sudo npm install -g nativescript@6.7.4

I also tried with nativescript@6 and also with nativescript@6.7 but everything ends with the 7.1.2 version.

The command npm i -g nativescript will install the NativeScript CLI. It won't update/migrate your existing project. However, once you have installed a specific version of the CLI, you can use it to create new projects with the related versions.

For example

npm uninstall -g nativescript

npm i -g nativescript@5.4.0

tns --version // will output 5.4.0

Once you have the wanted version of the CLI you can create a project that uses the core dependencies

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