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Why doesn't my code let me print how many times it's run?

So, I know the question is confusing, but hear me out. I'm trying to count how many times my code has run, and I got that, but when I try and implement that into a line of printing code, it tells me it can't print integers. Why?

    count = 0
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    Current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
    start = datetime.time(10)
    end = datetime.time(11)
    while start <= now.time() <= end:
        print("This alarm has gone off + count + "times")
        winsound.PlaySound("C:/Users/gabec/Documents/Audacity/Untitled.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC)
        time.sleep(14) ##The sound is 14 seconds long.

You can also consider using an f-string:

print(f"This alarm has gone off {count} times")

You're using incorrect syntax. Try changing into this:

print("This alarm has gone off", count, "times")

Even if you include your missing double quote for the string, you cannot add a string ( "This alarm...." ) with an integer ( count ).

Your quotes are incorrect: '"this alarm as gone off" + count + "times"' also, you need to change count from a int (probably not my problem) by typing 'str(count)' at the start so, (also, I put int() at the start just in case it will repeat.)

count = 0
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    Current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M")
    start = datetime.time(10)
    end = datetime.time(11)
    while start <= now.time() <= end:
        print("This alarm has gone off + count + "times")
        winsound.PlaySound("C:/Users/gabec/Documents/Audacity/Untitled.wav", winsound.SND_ASYNC)
        time.sleep(14) ##The sound is 14 seconds long.


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