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update multiple array elements matching a query in mongodb

I am using python code for updating multiple elements in an array that matches a query. Here is my document structure:

    doc: {

I would like to set 'Rank':0 only for array elements with 'Included':false. I have tried the below code but it sets 'Rank':0 for all the array elements.

 query = {"assessmentId":115513, "institutionId":1632, "subjects":{"$elemMatch":{"Included":false}}}
 update = {"$set":{"subjects.$[].Rank":0}}
 db.test.update_many(query, update)

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you

You need to do with the positional operator + arrayFilters as follow:

mongo shell:

db.test.updateMany( {"doc.assessmentId":115513, "doc.institutionId":1632 } ,{"$set":{"doc.subjects.$[fs].Rank":0}},{arrayFilters:[{"fs.Included":false} ]}  )


query={"doc.assessmentId":115513, "doc.institutionId":1632 }
db.test.update_many( query ,update,array_filters=[{"fs.Included":False} ]  )

explained: You define variable fs.Included:false in the arrayFilter that will be used to match the array objects in the update $set stage, and only the matched array objects will have the Rank set to 0

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