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Why doesn't the mute command not work in Discord.py?

The .mute command doesn't work for some reason. Can someone help me out?

My code:

async def mute(ctx, arg):
    user = client.get_user(int(arg))
    role = get(user.server.roles, name="Muted")
    async with ctx.typing():
    await ctx.send('Muted: ', '<@', int(arg), '>')
    client.add_roles(user, role)

Replace your mute command with this:

async def mute(ctx, id: int):
    member = await ctx.guild.fetch_member(id)
    role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name = 'Muted')
    async with ctx.typing():
    await ctx.send(f'Muted: {member.mention}')
    await member.add_roles(role)

Note: I recommend replacing time.sleep(1) with await asyncio.sleep(1) . In this case you'll have to import asyncio .

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