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Validating nested objects using class-validator in Nestjs

I am having difficulty with validating a nested object. Running nestJs using class-validator. The top level fields (first_name, last_name etc) validate OK. The Profile object is validated OK at the top level, ie if I submit as an array I get back the correct error that it should be an object.

The contents of Profile however are not being validated. I have followed suggestions on the docs but maybe I am just missing something.

Does anyone know how to validate nested object fields?

 export enum GenderType {

export class Profile {
    @IsEnum(GenderType) gender: string;

export class CreateClientDto {
    @Length(1) first_name: string;

    @Length(1) last_name: string;

    @IsEmail() email: string;

    @ValidateNested({each: true})
    @Type(() => Profile)
    profile: Profile; 

When I send this payload I expect it to fail because gender is not in the enum or a string. But it is not failing


This will help:

export enum GenderType {
    Male = "male",
    Female = "female",

export class Profile {
    gender: GenderType;

export class CreateClientDto {
    @Type(() => Profile)
    profile: Profile; 

PS: You don't need {each: true} because it's an object not an array


TS docs say to initialize the string enum.

So I needed to have:

export enum GenderType {
    Male = 'Male',
    Female = 'Female',

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