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Remove brackets in NodeJS String

I have a variable in Nodejs with square baskets. I need to remove the square brackets and extract the data out of it

let value = "[dfsdf][dsfsd][sdfs]MY VALUE";

I need MY VALUE from the value variable. the number of square brackets is not final. Sometimes it will be 1 or it can go up to 4

a simple solution without regex will be


or as per @Jeremy's comment.


Another simple solution would be:

let value = "[dfsdf][dsfsd][sdfs]MY VALUE";
let myValue = value.substr(value.lastIndexOf(']')+1)

Use this regular expression to match square brackets:


 let value = "[dfsdf][dsfsd][sdfs]MY VALUE"; console.log(value.replace(/[\[\]]+/g, ''))

Should you need to replace it with space use

value.replace(/[\[\]]+/g, ' ')

 let value = "[dfsdf][dsfsd][sdfs]MY VALUE"; console.log(value.replace(/[\[\]]+/g, ' '))

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