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How to aggregate distinct items in mongo db to separate array?

I have an API endpoint that checks the mongo db and returns in a following structure for example:

  "Name": "Test"
  "Location": "Whatever",
  "customerServices": [
        "id": "test",
        "cusId": "test",
        "serviceAdr": "test",
        "serviceCounty": "West",
        "name": "test"
        "id": "test",
        "cusId": "test",
        "serviceAdr": "test",
        "serviceCounty": "West",
        "name": "test"
        "id": "test",
        "cusId": "test",
        "serviceAdr": "test",
        "serviceCounty": "East",
        "name": "test"

What I want to do is to add aggregation to the pipeline that would create additional field-serviceCounties and include distinct serviceCounty values from the customerServices array. Like the following:

  "Name": "Test"
  "Location": "Whatever",
  "customerServices": [
        "id": "test",
        "cusId": "test",
        "serviceAdr": "test",
        "serviceCounty": "West",
        "name": "test"
        "id": "test",
        "cusId": "test",
        "serviceAdr": "test",
        "serviceCounty": "West",
        "name": "test"
        "id": "test",
        "cusId": "test",
        "serviceAdr": "test",
        "serviceCounty": "East",
        "name": "test"
  "serviceCounties": [

I have tried the following, but it didn't work. There something I'm missing or doing wrong:

                'serviceCounties': {
                    '$reduce': {
                        'input': '$services.event.services',
                        'initialValue': [],
                        'in': [{
                            "countyName": { '$concatArrays': ["$$value.serviceCounty", "$$this"] }

Any ideas how to do it?

You could try this.

    $addFields: {
      "serviceCounties": [
          $map: {
            input: "$customerServices",
            in: {
              "countyName": "$$this.serviceCounty"


$addfields to add serviceCounties array
$map to get the customerServices values.

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