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How can I count @ViewBuilder Views in SwiftUI?

I want to to know how can I count my inPutView in this example of code, the code working like this, it takes some views and gave a background color and counts the count of view, thanks for help.


struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ModelView(inputView: {
            Text("Hello, world!").padding()
            Text("Hello, world!").padding()

struct ModelView<Content: View>: View {
    var inPutView: () -> Content
    init(@ViewBuilder inputView: @escaping () -> Content) { self.inPutView = inputView }
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        Text("count of inPutViews: 2").padding() // Here: How can I found out the count of inPutView?


    struct ContentView: View {
    var inputViews: [AnyView] = [AnyView(Text("Hello, world!").padding()), AnyView(Text("Hello, world!").padding())]
    var body: some View {
        ModelView2(inputViews: inputViews)

    struct ModelView2: View {
    var inputViews: [AnyView]

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ForEach(inputViews.indices, id:\.self) { index in

        Text("count of inPutViews: \(inputViews.count)")

It's not possible to detect the count if individual views inside a @ViewBuilder closure. The @ViewBuilder creates one resulting view and your inPutView is treated as a single view.

A possible solution is to pass the [AnyView] array as the input of ModelView . But then AnyView doesn't conform to Hashable nor Identifiable , so you can't use it in a ForEach .

In your case you can create a separate struct conforming to Identifiable :

struct AnyViewItem: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let view: AnyView

and populate ModelView with an array of AnyViewItem :

struct ModelView: View {
    var inputViews: [AnyViewItem]

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            ForEach(inputViews) {

        Text("count of inPutViews: \(inputViews.count)")

Then, you can use it in your main view like this:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
            inputViews: [
                Text("Hello, world!").padding(),
                Text("Hello, world!").padding(),
            .map {
                AnyViewItem(view: AnyView($0))

Alternatively, as suggested in the comments, in this case you can make inputViews an [AnyView] array and iterate through its indices :

ForEach(inputViews.indices, id: \.self) {

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