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ConfusionMatrix on Logistic Regression model in R

I'm trying to calculate confusion matrix on my logistic regression model but getting an error

Error: data and reference should be factors with the same levels. In addition: Warning message: In is.factor(reference): NAs introduced by coercion


usage_model_rl <- glm(data = train_usage_rl, formula = Subscription ~., family = binomial(link = "logit"))
usage_predictions <- predict(usage_model_rl, test_usage_rl, type = "response") %>%
  bind_cols(test_usage_rl %>% dplyr::select(Subscription), preds = .)

cut04 <- usage_predictions %>%mutate(predicted = ifelse(preds >= 0.4, 1, 0)) %>% dplyr::select(-preds) %>% dplyr::select(predicted, Subscription) %>%mutate_all(list(~ factor(., levels = c(1, 0)))) %>%table()



Try this:

confusionMatrix(usage_predictions,test_usage$Subscription,positive="1", dnn=c("Prediction", "Reference"))

Make sure they're all factors.

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