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operator const char* () and explicit copy ctor

so i ran along this question in a past test from my uni, and i noticed something strange that i couldn't find an explanation to.

the question is: what would the line cout << s2; in main would print?

I followed to flow execution in the VS2019 debugger and when the line MyString s2 = s1; was performed it called

operator const char* ()const { return str; }

and I couldn't figure why it would go there. After that the ctor would be called on s2.

I understand why the copy ctor wouldn't be called on this instance because it is explicit and in order to invoke it the line should have been MyString s2(s1); for example.


 int main()
    MyString s1;
    cout << s1;
    MyString s2 = s1;
    cout << s2;
    return 1;

The code:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

 class MyString
     class MyChar
         MyString * pStr;
         int index;
         MyChar(MyString * p, int i) : pStr(p), index(i) {}
         const MyChar & operator=(char c) {
             pStr->set(index, c); // call copy-on-write
             return *this;
         operator char()const { return pStr->str[index]; }

    friend class MyChar;
    char* str;
    int* ref_counter;
    void attach(const MyString & s) {
        ref_counter = s.ref_counter;
        str = s.str;
    void detach() {
        if (--(*ref_counter) == 0) {
            delete ref_counter;
    void set(int index, char c) {
        // this is the copy-on-write
        MyString temp(str);
        str[index] = c;
    MyString(const char* s = "") : ref_counter(new int(1))
         str = new char[strlen(s) + 1];
         strcpy(str, s);
    explicit MyString(const MyString& s) { attach(s); } 
    ~MyString() { detach(); }
    const MyString & operator=(const MyString & s)
        {detach(); attach(s); return *this; }
    operator const char* ()const { return str; }        //operation in question
    MyChar operator[](int index) {
        return MyChar(this, index);
    char operator[](int index)const {
        return str[index];
    friend ostream & operator<<
        (ostream & out, const MyString & s) {
        return out << s.str << ", ref count = "
            << *s.ref_counter << endl;

Hope someone can help me understand this transition

The compiler tries hard to find a way to compile the program. Since it can't make an implicit copy ( explicit copy ctor), it tries other constructors, and the const char* one seems to be a viable candidate after an implicit user-defined conversion to const char* . There are no other candidates, so it is selected.

Useful additional reads:

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