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How to query objects of the same model in a model property

I am using objection.js, and I have this model, and would like to get other object instances that share the same property value as the current instance, eg

Example of model structure:

SomeModel {
  property1: 'string',


class SomeModel extends Model{
   static get tableName() {
       return 'some_model'

and I would like to create a custom property that filters the model for others that share the same value so that I can get modelInstance.customProperty and it returns a list of filtered objects. Whats the best way to do it? I have tried using a virtualAttribute to no avail since queries should be in an async function, and virtual attribute doesnt support that

class SomeModel extends Model{
   static get tableName() {
       return 'some_model'

   static get virtualAttributes() {
       return ['customProperty'];

   async customProperty() {
      return SomeModel.query().where('property1', this.property1)

I know that this approach is wrong but I hope you get an idea of what I am looking for

Edit: So I tried using this approach instead, but Im not sure if its the best way to do it

class SomeModelHelper extends Model {
    static get tableName() {
        return 'some_model';

class SomeModel extends Model{
   static get tableName() {
       return 'some_model';

   static get virtualAttributes() {
       return ['customProperty'];

   async $afterFind(args) {
       await SomeModelHelper.query()
       .where('property1', this.property1)
       .then(results => this.customProperty = results);

Thanks to @rashomon's comment, I managed to solve it with

class SomeModel extends Model{
   static get tableName() {
       return 'some_model';

   $afterFind(args) {
       .where('property1', this.property1)
       .then(results => this.customProperty = results);

You can try using afterFind hook:

class SomeModel extends Model {
   static get tableName() {
       return 'some_model'
   async $afterFind(args) {
       this.customProperty = await this.query()
         .where('property1', this.property1)

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