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How to display information from database sqlite3 using GUI Tkinter in Python in a specific format?

I am trying to retrieve information from the database and display it in this certain way:

Name: Batman

Price: £ 18

But I am getting this error: "TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable."

How can I fix that?

c.execute("SELECT name, price FROM products WHERE id=02")
    records = c.fetchone()
    # print(records)

    print_products = ''
    for record in records:
        print_products += 'Name:' + str(record[0]) + '\n' + 'Price: £' + str(record[1])

    query_label = Label(frame, fg='darkblue', bg='darkgray', text=print_products)

Since you only fetch one record from the result, records is a tuple of column values. Then you use for record in records: , it means record is a column value that may be an integer. So using record[0] will raise the mentioned exception.

Actually you don't need the for loop at all:

c.execute("SELECT name, price FROM products WHERE id=02")
record = c.fetchone()

# check whether record exists
if record:
    print_products = 'Name:' + str(record[0]) + '\n' + 'Price: £' + str(record[1])

    query_label = Label(frame, fg='darkblue', bg='darkgray', text=print_products)

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