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How to create search form using tkinter Python to search from the SQLITE3 Database?

I want to use Tkinter to create a search form where the user can input the name they want to see from the SQLite3 database. A database named New_Assignment has all the details about the person. But I am confused about how to connect the Tkinter to the database and use the name to search? This is what I have got so far.

import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('new_assignment.db')
c = conn.cursor()
from tkinter import *
top = Tk()
top.title('Search form')
person_name = Entry()
person_name.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = True)

To get the text from the Entry widget, use the get() method (it returns the string in the textbox).

name_box = Entry()
name_box.pack(side=RIGHT, expand=True)

person_name = name_box.get()

However, you will need to add a button as @abarnert says in the comments. Attach this function to it:

def get_name():
  global person_name
  person_name =  name_box.get()
  data = c.fetchall()
  for row in data:

(Of couse, modify read_from_db() to take a variable like so:

def read_from_db(var):
    curs.execute("SELECT *" + " FROM personal WHERE Name LIKE (?)", ('%'+var+'%',))


An example of the code for a button might look like this:

button = Button(top, text="Display text", command=get_name)

Place it all together:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect('new_assignment.db')
c = conn.cursor()

from tkinter import *

top = Tk()
top.title('Search form')

name_box = Entry()
name_box.pack(side = RIGHT, expand = True)

def get_name():
    global person_name
    person_name = name_box.get()
    data = c.fetchall()
    for row in data:

def read_from_db(var):
    curs.execute("SELECT *" + " FROM personal WHERE Name LIKE (?)", ('%'+var+'%',))

person_name = ""
button = Button(top, text="Display text", command=get_name)


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