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How to create new JS array from another JS array

I want to create new JS array from an object. I explained my scenario as below.

Array 1:

const arr1 = [
  {CODE: "PPM", YARN: 1987, EXP: "IUYT", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "SSW", YARN: 4500, EXP: "NBVC", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "YTR", YARN: 0740, EXP: "NBVC", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "NNH", YARN: 1540, EXP: "MHYT", CARD: "MMN"}

Array 2:

const arr2 = [
  {PRICE: 6354, CODE: "SSW", WARN: "NBVC"},
  {PRICE: 8637, CODE: "NNH", WARN: "MHYT"},

Expected output:

output = [
  {CODE: "SSW", YARN: 4500, EXP: "NBVC", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "NNH", YARN: 1540, EXP: "MHYT", CARD: "MMN"}


I want to compare arr1 and arr2 . If arr1.code contain arr2.code it should be in new array. It means arr1.code[2] = 'SSW' . SSW contains in arr2.code[0] . Then arr1.code[2] should be in new array. It same to arr1.code[3] = 'NNH' . NNH contains in arr2.code[1] .

Tried code:

console.log(arr1.filter(({ CODE: code1 }) => arr2.some(({ CODE: code2 }) => code2 === code1));

When I tried to above code I am getting an error

Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'price' of undefined"

Help me to solve this problem.

const arr1 = [
  {CODE: "PPM", YARN: 1987, EXP: "IUYT", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "SSW", YARN: 4500, EXP: "NBVC", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "YTR", YARN: 0740, EXP: "NBVC", CARD: "MMN"},
  {CODE: "NNH", YARN: 1540, EXP: "MHYT", CARD: "MMN"}

const arr2 = [
  {PRICE: 6354, CODE: "SSW", WARN: "NBVC"},
  {PRICE: 8637, CODE: "NNH", WARN: "MHYT"},

    CODE: code1
}) => arr2.some(({
    CODE: code2
}) => code2 === code1))**)**;

I guess you might have missed a bracket ) in the console.log statement. But still, you have not used the price keyword in the code. Might be some other issue. Can you please share the full function?

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