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How to convert a function that returns an observable to an arrow function?

I have the following code which works fine. What I want is to convert the getSaveObs function to an arrow function so I can use it inside the save function.

private save(property: IProperty): void {
  // I want the getSaveObs logic to be moved here instead of a separate function
   .subscribe(savedProperty => {
    this.property = savedProperty;
    // if new property, move to step 2
    if (!savedProperty.id) {
      console.log('New property, moving to step 2');
      if (this.clientId) {
        this.router.navigateByUrl('/clients/' + this.clientId + '/properties/' + this.property.id + '/' + '2');
      } else {
        this.router.navigate(['/properties', this.property.id, '2']);
  }, error => (console.error('Error adding/updating a property: ', error)));

private getSaveObs(property: IProperty): Observable<IProperty> {
  if (property.id) {
    if (this.clientId) {
        return this.clientPropertiesService.updateProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId,                
           this.clientId, property);
    } else {
        return this.profileService.updateProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId, property);
  } else {
    // New property observable
    if (this.clientId) {
        return this.clientPropertiesService.createProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId, 
           this.clientId, property);
    } else {
      return this.profileService.createProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId, property);

Here is one of the methods called that returns Observable

createUserProperty(property: IProperty, userDocument: 
    AngularFirestoreCollection): EntityResponseType {
    delete property.id;
    property.modifiedTs = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.now();
    property.createdTs = firebase.firestore.Timestamp.now();

    return from(userDocument.add(property))
         map(res => {
         return {...property, id: res.id};

Why do you believe that an arrow function can be used in save(property: IProperty): void and a regular function cannot? What are you trying to do?

Regardless any function can be turned into an arrow function like this

function someName(arg: ArgType): ReturnType {
  /*...function body...*/


const someName = (arg: ArgType): ReturnType => {
  /*...function body...*/

SO in your case, that's:

const getSaveObs = (property: IProperty): Observable<IProperty> => {
  if (property.id) {
    if (this.clientId) {
        return this.clientPropertiesService.updateProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId,                
           this.clientId, property);
    } else {
        return this.profileService.updateProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId, property);
  } else {
    // New property observable
    if (this.clientId) {
        return this.clientPropertiesService.createProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId, 
           this.clientId, property);
    } else {
      return this.profileService.createProperty(this.accountService.userIdentity.userId, property);

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