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About java class and constructor

I have a problem with this code

public class JavaApplication٣ {

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO code application logic here
        Rectangels vo = new Rectangels(4,40);
        Rectangels vs = new Rectangels(3.5,35.9);


//the problem in this part the GetArea and GetPara can't reach the Rectangels class

static void printing(Rectangels val){
    System.out.println("rectangel AREA :"+val.GetArea);
        System.out.println("rectangel PARA :"+val.GetPara);


//the problem in this part the GetArea and GetPara can't reach the Rectangels class in NetBeans shows me "cannot find symbol"

    class Rectangels{
    double width=1;
    double height=1;

       Rectangels(double w , double h){
       double GetArea(){
       return width*height;
           double GetPara(){
       return 2*(width+height);

There is syntax error in your printing method, the method calls that obtain area and parameter from the rectangles instance should be followed by () as shown:

static void printing(Rectangels val){
    System.out.println("rectangel AREA :"+val.GetArea());
        System.out.println("rectangel PARA :"+val.GetPara());


You can check the following link for more details https://www.w3schools.com/java/java_methods.asp

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