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Low AdMob match rate

So I just published an app to Google Play with interstitial and rewarded ads. So far I haven't seen my match rate go above 0.30%. The app works perfectly with test ads so I'm pretty confident the issue isn't with my implementation. Using logcat I found pretty much all requests failing with error code 3, aka no ads available.

I have no issues detected in the policy centre. I've double checked my store listing has contains ads enable. I also added an app-ads.txt and a privacy policy in hopes that might somehow help but alas. I read that it might just take a few days to start increasing working correctly but the app has been out 4 days with no change whatsoever.

Any suggestions?

I have same problem too. I install the apk to the device ( very same apk which I have published on Google Play Store ), test ads if they work, surprisingly they do. However when I download the very same apk file from Google Play Store no ads show up. It's been more than a week by now and still match rate is as yours. I don't know if the problem is me not linking the app in admob to Google Play Store. Have you linked your admob app to Google Play Store?

edit: From what I understand after searching this thing forever, there is no problem on our end. Admob just requires requests so it can build up its network and start showing ads.

I was convinced there was some issue causing the lack of matches but no just like every other question about low match rates turns out all I had to do was wait. After a few days the match rate increased to about 80%. If you also have this issue learn from me and don't worry about it, just give it time.

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