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How to mock a method within an async unit test?

I have a class called database.py with a function called generate_token(). I would like to mock it and return a fixed value 321 . So that I can see that the method was called and the return value returned.

How do I mock that? This is what I have tried.

async def test_successful_register_returns_device_token(monkeypatch):
    async def mock_generate_token():
        return "321"

    m = AsyncMock(mock_generate_token)
    m.return_value = "321"
    async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="") as ac:
        monkeypatch.setattr(database, "generate_token", m)
        response = await ac.post(
        assert response.status_code == 201
        assert "device_token" in response.json()
        assert response.json()["device_token"] == "321"

It's actually much simpler than I thought, a normal @patch from from unittest.mock import patch is sufficient. It recognises the async methods and injects an AsyncMock automatically.

async def test_successful_register_returns_device_token(self, mock_token):
        mock_token.return_value = "321"
        async with AsyncClient(app=app, base_url="http://testserver") as ac:
            response = await ac.post(
            assert response.status_code == 201
            assert "device_token" in response.json()
            assert response.json()["device_token"] == "321"

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