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Reactjs : production environment : net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID

For Reactjs application I have deploy it on linux server and it is working for example

I am using apis(PHP) to get data, that apis are also on same server and working on

while fetch data from api it gives error in console.


Please guide me how to resolve issue.

please let me know if required any other information because I am very new to this type of issue.

ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID is one of the SSL(Security Socket Layers) connection Error ie SSL common name mismatch error.

Reason for the Err:

  1. It can be caused due to misconfiguration of certificate in a server.
  2. Due to third-party extensions.
  3. Or System Anti-virus or firewall security programs

Ways to debug:

  1. Check if system date and time are properly set.
  2. Try to remove/uninstall third party extension which is causing this err.
  3. Check for Antivirus/firewall.
  4. Look for the correct configuration of your SSL certificate.
  5. Make sure you are addressing to appropriate IP Address.

This might help to get your issue resolve.

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