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net5.0-windows: warning CA1416: 'RegistryValueKind.DWord' is supported on 'windows'

The target framework of my project is set to net5.0-windows .

A C# file contains a call to Microsoft.Win32.Registry.SetValue() which gives me the following warning:

warning CA1416: 'Registry.SetValue(string, string?, object, RegistryValueKind)' is supported on 'windows'

Why do I get this warning if my project is set to net5.0-windows ?

Update: What is the proper way to handle error CA1416 for .NET core builds? as pointed out by pavel-anikhouski does not fix the problem.

My issue arises because I use a shared AssemblyInfo.cs file in my project and have <GenerateAssemblyInfo> set to false .

Adding the following line to AssemblyInfo.cs fixes the issue:

[assembly: System.Runtime.Versioning.SupportedOSPlatform("windows")]

The issue and workaround at GitHub: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/14502

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