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What does this snippet of C# code do?

What does result.IsVisible equal?

        result.IsVisible = obj1.status.abc_REPORT == 'Y'
            && obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() == false;

That depends on the values of obj1.status.abc_Report and obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() (and it all depends on whether a==b or not).

I'm not quite sure of what the real question is here - which bit is confusing you?

One bit which may be confusing you is the shortcircuiting && operator (and possibly the lack of bracing!)

The && operator will only evaluate its right hand side if the left hand side evaluates to true : and the overall result of the expression is true if and only if both sides evaluates to true . (I'm assuming no strange user-defined conversions here.)

So another way of writing it would be:

if (a == b)
    bool visibility = false;
    if (obj1.status.abc_REPORT == 'Y')
        if (obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() == false)
            visibility = true;
    result.IsVisible = visibility;

Note that a condition comparing Booleans, like this:

obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() == false

would usually be written like this:


(Note the exclamation mark at the start - the logical "not" operator.)

The same as this, in many less lines:

if (a==b) {
    if (obj1.status.abc_REPORT == 'Y') {
         if (obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() == false) {
             result.IsVisible = true;
         else {
             result.IsVisible = false;
    else {
        result.IsVisible = false;

In simple words:

If a is equal to b:

result will be visible only if:

object1's status's abc_report is Yes(Y = Yes most probably) AND object1's other value cannot be converted to a Boolean

I'm guess result.IsVisible is a boolean

It will be true if the following conditions are true: obj1.status.abc_REPORT == 'Y' and obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() == false

Also, a == b must be true to enter the initial if

lets go line by line:


obvious if value of a equals value of b the execute following line

 result.IsVisible = obj1.status.abc_REPORT == 'Y'
        && obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() == false;

result is some object (maybe winforms controls etc) which has a property IsVisible set it to true if obj1.status.abc_REPORT is equal to 'Y' and also obj1.AnotherValue.ToBoolean() is equal to false;

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