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RecursiveIterator not working as expected

Here is my function:

protected function getContents($absoluteDirectoryPath = false, $recursive = false, $filter = "/.$/") {
    if(!$absoluteDirectoryPath) return false;
    $iterator  = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($absoluteDirectoryPath));
    $files = new RegexIterator($iterator, $filter);
    return $iterator;

And i call it like this:

$pageFiles = $this->getContents($pagepath);

foreach($pageFiles as $file) {
    echobr("PageFile: " . $file->fileName);

This is the error I get:

Notice: Undefined property: SplFileInfo::$fileName

If I var_dump $pageFiles I get this:

object(DirectoryIterator)#5 (4) {
  string(68) "/home/domain/example/public/home/home.php"
  string(12) "home.php"
  string(0) ""

Whats going on? Why can't I loop through the results? There are 4 files in this directory and I should be able to output the filename.

The SplFileInfo class does not have a (public) filename or fileName property. However, it has agetFilename() method. You can use it to get the filename:

foreach($pageFiles as $file) {
    echobr("PageFile: " . $file->getFilename());

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