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Trying to take data from a combo box with a foreign key and update the database

I am trying to update my SQL database with the code provided, I am basically trying to take a select statement to bring back just the INTGenderID based on a combo box and make it equal to a string then convert that to an integer when I do my update back into my database. If you need more info let me know. The main table is TGolfers and the parent table is TGenders.

I think I understand the question. Let's assume that you have a database table named Thing and that has columns ThingId and Name . You would generally query the database to populate a DataTable and then bind that to your ComboBox , eg

Dim table As New DataTable

Using connection As New OleDbConnection(connectionString),
      command As New OleDbCommand("SELECT ThingId, Name FROM Thing", connection)

    Using reader = command.ExecuteReader()
    End Using
End Using

With thingComboBox
    .DisplayMember = "Name"
    .ValueMember = "ThingId"
    .DataSource = table
End With

The user will now see a list of Name values in the ComboBox and, when they select one, you can get the corresponding ThingId from the SelectedValue property, eg

Dim thingId = CInt(thingComboBox.SelectedValue)

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