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Hibernate tries to insert one to one relation without any cascading

The problem

Im having two entities. One is called EntityPojo and the other one is called ChunkPojo. The entityPojo does not know about the ChunkPojo. The ChunkPojo has a 1:1 reference to the EntityPojo. First i save the EntityPojo, then i save the ChunkPojo.

At the time i save the ChunkPojo, hibernate tries to insert the referenced 1:1 EntityPojo which results in an duplicate key exception. But... cascading is disabled, this should NOT happen.


The code

/** The base for all database objects
public abstract class DatabaseObject extends Component{

    public Long id;

    @JoinColumn(name = "id")
    @OneToOne(cascade = {})
    public EntityPojo entityPojo;

@Table(name = "entity")
public class EntityPojo {

    @Id public long id;
    public long version;

    public String tag;
    public String typeID;

    public EntityPojo() { }

 * A chunk which extends DatabaseObject.
@Table(name = "chunk", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"x", "y"})}, indexes = {@Index(columnList = "x,y")})
@Access(value = AccessType.FIELD)
@SelectBeforeUpdate(value = false)
public class ChunkPojo extends DatabaseObject {

    public int x;
    public int y;
    public Date createdOn;

public static void main(String[] args){

        var enitity = new EntityPojo();
        enitity.id = 1;
        enitity.tag = "player";
        enitity.typeID = "1:1";

        var chunk = new ChunkPojo();
        chunk.x = 10;
        chunk.y = 11;
        chunk.entityPojo = enitity;
        chunk.id = enitity.id;

        syncDatabase.save(enitity);  // Just calls session.persist - works fine 
        syncDatabase.save(chunk);    // Also calls session.persist - exception


Why does hibernate try to insert the referenced 1:1 relation when i clearly did not used any cascading here? And how can i prevent it from happening?

Glad for any help on this topic ! It drives me crazy ! Thanks !

I think what's happening is that the @MapsId annotation tells Hibernate to take the ID of chunk and map it to the ID field of entity . So when you save chunk it automatically gets cascade persisted, even though you haven't explicitly told it to do so.

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