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How to make enum value global and store it

This is probably a stupid question. Im developing an app that has themes, The user can choose a theme for the app

The themes are values stored in an enum

Enum Theme{light, dark, rose, violet,.... }

How to store the enum value for the app to remember on launch?

As Tenfour04 already said - SharedPreferences are probably the correct store for something like this. Since your Enum is in fact an int , you can store it in there using SharedPreferences.Editor 's putInt method and afterwards receive it with SharedPreferences 's getInt method.

Also refer to https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/SharedPreferences

This is written without IDE, but should be quite close.

// save it 
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = context.getSharedPreferences("userdetails", MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
bool success = editor.commit();

// get it again (2nd parameter is default value)
Theme selectedTheme = (Theme) sharedPreferences.getInt("theme", (int) Theme.dark)

EDIT: An Enum is in java not an int - sorry, I thought of .NET. Anyhow it is common practice to give an Enum an identifier ( int ) field. Using this field, you can serialize the selected value into the SharedPreferences .

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