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PowerShell - Filter filenames using pipeline where-object with array of strings

Windows 10 PS 5.1

I am trying to confirm if a filename contains one or more strings. They are not exact matches, so should be able to handle a wildcard, though, usage of wildcards is not necessary if the comparison operator doesn't accept them. In my scenario, I am iterating through many filenames in a pipeline and filtering filenames using where-object. I've only been able to filter using a single string whereas I haven't been able to filter using an array of strings. I've uploaded my code to github.


Here are the key lines of code

#Line 29
$FileNameLike = "2016-09", "2016-10" #, "2016-08", "2016-10"

#Line 70
if($FileNameLike -eq ""){$FileNameLike = "*"}elseif($FileNameLike -ne ""){$FileNameLike = $FileNameLike | %{ $_ -replace $_,"*$_*"}} #{$FileNameLike = "*$FileNameLike*"}

#Line 103
Where-Object FullName -like $FileNameLike |

The most important line where I'm trying to make the changes is line 103.

I've tried using -in, -match (without using *), -contains, and -like. Neither of them worked on arrays. The Microsoft documentation "about comparison operators" does not contain the word array. I've tried flipping the objects, like "Where-object {$FileNameLike -like $_.FullName} using each of the comparison operators, but that didn't work. The Microsoft Document "About Where-Object" contains one example, but it doesn't work in my situation.

#From About Where-Object
Get-Process | where -Property ProcessName -in -Value "Svchost", "TaskHost", "WsmProvHost"

In the About Where-Object example, they don't provide an example with wildcards. I do not know the full name of the file before hand, so a wildcard or an operator that performs similarly to an operator with a wildcard is necessary. I only want to list my keywords on line 29.

The directory that I am searching in has 56,000 files, so I need to use the pipeline, or it ends up maxing out my PC's memory.

So that you don't have to create a directory with 56,000 files with various names and create new directories, and so that testing is faster, I have been testing with sample code that should replicate what I'm trying to do. I still haven't had any luck with the simplest of examples

$Matches = $null
$keyWords = "3", "r"
$fileNames = "file1","file2","file3"

#$null -ne ($keyWords | ? { $fileNames -match $_ }) #THIS WORKS, BUT DOES NOT CONFORM WITH THE ORDER IN MY SCRIPT.
ForEach($fileName in $fileNames){
    $fileName | ?{$keyWords -contains $_}
    $fileName | ?{$keyWords -like $_}
    $fileName | ?{$keyWords -in $_}
    $fileName | ?{$keyWords -match $_}
    $fileName | ?{$_ -contains $keyWords}
    $fileName | ?{$_ -like $keyWords}
    $fileName | ?{$_ -in $keyWords}
    $fileName | ?{$_ -match $keyWords}

In the sample code, notice this line #$null -ne ($keyWords |? { $fileNames -match $_ })

That works outside of my pipeline where-object Fullname -like $FileNameLike and is the only working example, however, how do I put that inside my where-object line 103?

You cannot specify multiple patterns with -like operator. To specify multiple patterns with like you would have to specify multiple expressions separated by -and or -or

Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*2016-09*" -or $_.Name -like "*2016-10*"}

You can build the expression and then use it as your Where-Object filter.

(Updated to use scriptblock and not use invoke-expression based on comments - Thank you zelt42)

$FileNameLike = "2016-09", "2016-10" #, "2016-08", "2016-10"

$filter = if (!$FileNameLike) {
    [scriptblock]::Create('$_.Name -like "*"')
else {
    $output = foreach ($filter in $FileNameLike) {
        "`$_.Name -like '*$filter*'"
    [scriptblock]::Create($output -join ' -or ')

#Line 103
Where-Object -FilterScript $filter |

Alternatively, the -match operator utilizes regular expression so you could do something like this instead

Where-Object {$_.Name -match "2016-09|2016-10"} 

Build your regex pattern and use that in your Where-Object filter block

$FileNameLike = "2016-09", "2016-10" #, "2016-08", "2016-10"

$regexPattern = if (!$FileNameLike) {
} else {
    ($FileNameLike | % {[regex]::Escape($_)}) -join '|'

Where-Object {$_.name -match $regexPattern }

I am trying to confirm if a filename contains one or more strings.

Multiple search strings represent multiple queries. I suggest writing them in test cases.

$location = "C:\lab"

Get-ChildItem -Path $location -Recurse -File | 
  Where-Object {
    switch -Wildcard ($_.Name)
      '*2016-08*' {$true; Break}
      '*2016-09*' {$true; Break}
     #'*2016-10*' {$true; Break}
     #'*2016-11*' {$true; Break}
      default     {$false}
  } | 
  Select-Object -Property Name 

PS > .\Stack Overflow Demo.ps1

report 2016-09-01.txt

I only want to list my keywords on line 29.

It is possible to generate code from a variable, but this obscures your intent and is nonstandard.

If you accept user input, this makes your script vulnerable to code injection .

$location = "C:\lab"

$FileNameLike = "*2016-08*", "*2016-09*" , "*2016-10*", "*2016-11*"

$beginning = @"
Get-ChildItem -Path `$location -Recurse -File | 
  Where-Object {
    switch -Wildcard (`$_.Name)


$middle = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

foreach ($myString in $FileNameLike)
{  [void]$middle.AppendLine( "      '$myString' {`$true; Break}" )  }

$end = @"
      default     {`$false}
  } | 
  Select-Object -Property Name 

$myScript = $beginning + $middle.ToString() + $end 

Invoke-Expression -Command $myScript

PS > .\dynamic code generation 02.ps1

report 2016-09-01.txt
report 2016-10-01.txt


$location = "C:\lab"

Save the path to the folder being scanned.

Get-ChildItem -Path $location -Recurse -File | 

List the contents of $location . Scan subfolders with -Recurse . Limit output to -File s. Begin a pipeline | .

  Where-Object {
  } | 

Where-Object returns all objects for which the script block statement is true.

Continue the pipeline |

    switch -Wildcard ($_.Name)
      '*2016-08*' {$true; Break}
      '*2016-09*' {$true; Break}
     #'*2016-10*' {$true; Break}
     #'*2016-11*' {$true; Break}
      default     {$false}

Use a switch to handle multiple If statements .

-Wildcard indicates that the condition is a wildcard string. The comparison is case-insensitive.

Optionally, you might use the -CaseSensitive switch.

$_ contains the current object in the pipeline. You can use this variable in commands that perform an action on every object or on selected objects in a pipeline.

$_.Name is the file name of the current file being processed.

'*2016-08*' {$true; Break}

Each case consists of a wildcard string and an action . Define the string including wildcards .

Remember that Where-Object returns all objects for which the script block statement is true. So, when one of our strings matches the file name, use the action to return $true and then Break . The Break keyword stops processing and exits the Switch statement.

If none of the strings match, output $false .

Select-Object -Property Name 

Output the Name s of the files that matched.

PS > .\Stack Overflow Demo.ps1

report 2016-09-01.txt

Run the script and show the result.

Dynamic Script Explanation

$FileNameLike = "*2016-08*", "*2016-09*" , "*2016-10*", "*2016-11*"

Store the search strings in an array including their wildcards.

$beginning = @"

$middle = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

$end = @"

$myScript = $beginning + $middle.ToString() + $end 

Invoke-Expression -Command $myScript

If we are going to generate dynamic code, we will need a string and Invoke-Expression .

We can dynamically generate test cases based on the value of $FileNameLike and store the result in $middle .

$beginning and $end are static strings.

$beginning = @"
Get-ChildItem -Path `$location -Recurse -File | 
  Where-Object {
    switch -Wildcard (`$_.Name)


Use a double-quoted here-string to define $beginning

Because we're using double quotes, escape any dollar signs with `

Note that embedded variables like $location will work as intended because expressions are evaluated and run in the current scope .

Leave a trailing newline to prepare for the $middle .

$middle = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

foreach ($myString in $FileNameLike)
{  [void]$middle.AppendLine( "      '$myString' {`$true; Break}" )  }

Use StringBuilder as the container for your dynamically generated code. StringBuilder saves us the cost of copying strings in memory.

Use AppendLine() to add the string and a newline character to the string we are building.

Cast the method call to [void] to discard output from the method.

Use foreach to iterate over each value of $FileNameLike

Note that $myString is not escaped. This is what allows the values in $FileNameLike to be introduced to the code dynamically.

$myScript = $beginning + $middle.ToString() + $end 

To output a string from a StringBuilder object, use the ToString() method.

Invoke-Expression -Command $myScript

Once the command has been dynamically generated, use Invoke-Expression to execute the contents of the string.

Using Invoke-Expression to execute a string represents a security risk . Any user input that appears inside the string can do or delete anything the underlying user can.

You mentioned that there are 56,000 files to process. If you are able to use PowerShell 7 , you might be able to make use of ForEach-Object -Parallel to increase the processing speed. The examples discuss some of the coding practices you will need to use -Parallel.

If you want a fast and reliable way to search files, you might like X1 Search .

If you choose to use regex instead, note that [regex]::Escape()

Escapes a minimal set of characters (, *, +, ?, |, {, [, (,), ^, $, ., #, and white space) by replacing them with their escape codes.

For example, bracket ] and brace } are not escaped. This might not affect this use case. Please understand the limitations of [regex]::Escape() and be prepared to test cases.

Here is a demonstration using -FilterScript to hijack the shell.

$location = "C:\lab" 

$FileNameLike = "'; Start-Process -FilePath powershell.exe -ArgumentList `"-Command ```{```"Hello```"```}`" -NoNewWindow; '", "2016-10" #, "2016-08", "2016-10"

$filter = if (!$FileNameLike) {
    [scriptblock]::Create('$_.Name -like "*"')
else {
    $output = foreach ($filter in $FileNameLike) {
        "`$_.Name -like '*$filter*'"
    [scriptblock]::Create($output -join ' -or ')

#Line 103
Get-ChildItem -Path $location -Recurse -File | Where-Object -FilterScript $filter

PS > .\proof of concept.ps1

    Directory: C:\lab

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PS > Hello

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