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How to generate a new HTML element each time a JS function is called

I have been working on a webapp that uses steam to log-in through passport and sessions. Lately I have been struggling with finding a good method to create persistent html on the page. Let me explain, here's my index.ejs:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<%- include('partials/navbar') %>
<section id="chat"></section>
<section id="main" style="flexcol center" class="flexcol">
    <button id="newMatch">Create new match</button>
    <div class="match"></div>
<script src=".././scripts/jquery.js"></script>
<script src=".././scripts/script.js"></script>

I have tried to make a js function that inserts a new <div class="match"></div> every time it's called but wasn't successful. Here's the code:

    let main = document.querySelector('#main');
    let matchDiv = document.createElement('div');
    let matchDivText = document.createElement('h3');
    function createMatch(){
        $(matchDivText).append('New match').appendTo($(matchDiv));
        $(matchDiv).addClass('match flex center').appendTo(main);
    $('button').click(() => {

For now, my function is not really working perfectly, It does create a new DIV, append the h2 and add the class but if called multiple times it looks like this(called 3 times):


My question is: How can i make the function create a new DIV each time and also how can I make these DIVS not go away after refresh?

The problem is that the variables are not in the function, do this:

function createMatch () {
        let main = document.querySelector('#main');
        let matchDiv = document.createElement('div');
        let matchDivText = document.createElement('h3');
        $(matchDivText).append('New match').appendTo($(matchDiv));
        $(matchDiv).addClass('match flex center').appendTo(main);
    $('button').click(() => {

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