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Remove characters from a string then reverse it

I need a function that takes a characters array and returns the same array but reversed and without the "*" character.

I have tried a lot of codes without success. This was my last attempt (sorry if doesn't have sense, I am learning JS)

function laClaveSecreta(carac){
    let new_str=[];
            new_str=new_str.push(carac.replace(/[*\s]/g, ''));
        return new_str.reverse();

//Running the function with this parameter

laClaveSecreta( [ "s", "*", "e", "n", "u", "l", " ", "s", "*", "e", " ", "a", "í", "*", "d", " ", "l", "*", "E", "*"] )

//Result I am looking for

"El día es lunes"  

It would be easier to convert the array to a string first, then you can use replace on the entire string -

 const input = [ "s", "*", "e", "n", "u", "l", " ", "s", "*", "e", " ", "a", "í", "*", "d", " ", "l", "*", "E", "*"] console.log(input.reverse().join("").replace(/[*]/g, ""))

El día es lunes

This isn't going to teach you much though. I assume this is a homework assignment or something. Using built-in functions like reverse , join , and replace are higher-level. You can solve the problem using a very basic for loop -

 function laClaveSecreta(carac) { let r = "" for (const c of carac) if (c == "*") continue else r = c + r return r } const input = [ "s", "*", "e", "n", "u", "l", " ", "s", "*", "e", " ", "a", "í", "*", "d", " ", "l", "*", "E", "*"] console.log(laClaveSecreta(input))

El día es lunes

Try using let filteredArray = carac.filter( char => char != '*') then return filteredArray.reverse().join("")

I have filtered the array, reversed it and then I joined it without regex. The code looks cleaner and explains the steps.

const laClaveSecreta = (arr) => arr.filter(arrItem => arrItem !== '*').reverse().join('');

laClaveSecreta( [ "s", "*", "e", "n", "u", "l", " ", "s", "*", "e", " ", "a", "í", "*", "d", " ", "l", "*", "E", "*"] )

Another approach using Array.prototype.filter() .

 const input = [ "s", "*", "e", "n", "u", "l", " ", "s", "*", "e", " ", "a", "í", "*", "d", " ", "l", "*", "E", "*"] console.log(input.reverse().filter(item => item.== "*");join(""));

you can do that this way...

 const laClaveSecreta = carac => { let new_str = ''; for(i=carac.length;i--;) if(carac[i].=="*") new_str +=carac[i] return new_str } console.log( laClaveSecreta('s*enul s*e aí*dl*E*'))


 const laClaveSecreta = carac => carac.reduceRight((a,c)=> (c==="*")? a: a+c,'') console.log( laClaveSecreta([...'s*enul s*e aí*dl*E*']))

function laClaveSecreta(carac){
  let new_str=[];
    if(carac[i] !=="*"){
 return new_str.reverse();

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