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C# equivalent of Java awaitility

I would like to replicate something that I have in Java to C#.

I'm NOT looking for, or anything that will involve the driver:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

I'm using the http://www.awaitility.org/ .

Here is the code:

public static void waitForElement(WebElement element) {

            .pollDelay(100, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
            .pollInterval(200, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
            .until(() -> element.isDisplayed());


I would do something like

public static async Task WaitForElementAsync(WebElement element)
    await With(100, 200, true, () => element.isDisplayed());

private static async Task With(
    int pollDeley,
    int pollIntervall,
    bool ignoreException,
    Func<bool> until)
    await Task.Delay(pollDeley);

    var loop = true;

    while (loop)
            loop = !until();
            if (!loop) break;
            await Task.Delay(pollIntervall);
        catch (Exception ex)
            if (!ignoreException) throw;

but there might be a better solution if WebElement has an event like IsDisplayedChanged .

Also with this solution you introduce a async call line to your project (which in a web context can be beneficial), to avoid this you can replace the await Task.Delay(...) with Thread.Sleep(...) .

Another solution would be to use a timer for the polling

private static async Task With(
    int pollDeley,
    int pollIntervall,
    bool ignoreException,
    Func<bool> until)
    await Task.Delay(pollDeley);

    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

    using (var timer = new Timer(pollIntervall))
        void Poll(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
                if (until())
                    if (tcs.TrySetResult(true))
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!ignoreException)
                    if (tcs.TrySetException(ex))

        timer.Elapsed += Poll;


        await tcs.Task;

        timer.Elapsed -= Poll;

I would like to replicate something that I have in Java to C#.

I'm NOT looking for, or anything that will involve the driver:

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));

I'm using the http://www.awaitility.org/ .

Here is the code:

public static void waitForElement(WebElement element) {

            .pollDelay(100, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
            .pollInterval(200, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS)
            .until(() -> element.isDisplayed());


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