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Defining attributes using OOP in python

I am currently using OOP in python to program a game. I have created a class with attributes and methods. I wanted to do basic movement where if the user types "go north" it will move to the north square. However it is saying i have an error and that north isn't defined. Here is my code:

class square():
    def __init__(self, action, square_no, north, east, south, west):
        self.action = action
        self.square_no = square_no
        self.north = north
        self.east = east
        self.south = south
        self.west = west

    def user_action(action):
        action = input("---").lower()

        square.movement(action, north)

    def Help():
        print("Commands are: \n Go(north/ east /south /west) \n Mine \n Craft (object) \n Look around \n Collect (blueprint)\n Fix (wing/ thruster/ engine/ battery/ fuel tank) \n Save \n Info \n You will see this symbol when you are expected to type something ---")

    def movement(action, north):
        if action == "go north":

        elif action == "info":
            print("You can't do that here.")

action = ""

square1 = square(action, 1, 0, 2, 4, 0)



You are missing self in various places for the code to work as intended

class square():
    def __init__(self, action, square_no, north, east, south, west):
        self.action = action
        self.square_no = square_no
        self.north = north
        self.east = east
        self.south = south
        self.west = west

    def user_action(self):
        action = input("---").lower()


    def Help(self):
        print("Commands are: \n Go(north/ east /south /west) \n Mine \n Craft (object) \n Look around \n Collect (blueprint)\n Fix (wing/ thruster/ engine/ battery/ fuel tank) \n Save \n Info \n You will see this symbol when you are expected to type something ---")

    def movement(self,action):
        if action == "go north":

        elif action == "info":
            print("You can't do that here.")

action = ""

square1 = square(action, 1, 0, 2, 4, 0)

Try using self.north.

square.movement(action, self.north)

You are trying to use a variable called north which isn't set. But you do have the variable north in your class which you have to acces via self.<variable_name>.

I hope it solves your problem

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