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Need help in python dictionaries

This code saves a number of key and value pair from the user but I want to go further and enter keys to be searched in phone book.Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code

phonebook = {}
n = int(input())
for x in range (n):
    name , phoneno = input().split()
    phonebook[ name ] = int(phoneno)
for y in phonebook:
    name = input().split()
    if name in phonebook:
        print('Not Found')
phonebook = {}
n = int(input())
for x in range (n):
    name , phoneno = input().split()
    phonebook[ name ] = int(phoneno)

name = input().split()
out = phonebook.get(name,None)
if out == None:
    print('Not found')

You don't need a loop to check for a key in a dictionary

In name, phoneno = input().split() the .split() needs an argument on what to split it on, so lets say you did thisGuy 69420, if you did .split(' ') space being the argument name & phoneno would both be a list, which at index [0] would be thisGuy and at index[1] would be 69420

Hopefully, that helps:)

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