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How to store object in GraphQL cache in react native

Here in my code I have some value in state 'logTicketDetails' which is object and inside that object there are four arrays. I am getting that value now, in my code I am trying to store that inteir object 'logTicketDetails' in GraphQL object, I have written my code below. But I am getting error. Please help me how can I store full object in cache.

logTicketDetails value is below

    {ticketTypes: Array(3), preferredLanguages: Array(4), responseMediums: Array(2), 

troubleTicketPriority: Array(3)}

// below is logTicketDetails value which is there in state 

    {ticketTypes: Array(3), preferredLanguages: Array(4), responseMediums: Array(2), troubleTicketPriority: Array(3)}
    preferredLanguages: (4) [{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}]
    responseMediums: (2) [{…}, {…}]
    ticketTypes: (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]
    troubleTicketPriority: (3) [{…}, {…}, {…}]

// this is my cache query

export const LOG_TICKET_DETAILS= gql`
query logTicketDetails {
    logTicketDetails {

// Here I am writing to cache

 await writeToCache(this,
          logTicketDetails : this.state.logTicketDetails,

Each "depth level" [of data stored in apollo cache] requires type def (defined structure/sub field types, __typename value[-s]) and unique key (usually id / _id , can be customized per type).

You can store unknown (not to be normalized) structures using "custom json scalar" (read docs/tutorials for details). Top level still requires unique key (id, timestamp) - you can add it (decorate entry) after fetching, before cache write.

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