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Access State variable from outside the widget

So I've made PageViewer and I wasn't able to use Navigator inside of it, instead what I'm trying to do is to pass diferrent widget inside using StatefulWidget that return functions, I want to access said StatefulWidget and change variable inside of it, couldn't find a way to do it

This is the PageView :

            child: PageView(
              children: [
                SetPage(), // Look at the bottom need to be changeable

and this is the StatefulWidget I use to pass in the page:

class SetPage extends StatefulWidget {
_SetPageState createState() => _SetPageState();

class _SetPageState extends State<SetPage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

var _page = ChooseAccount();

return _page;

You don't need a StatefulWidget just to contain another Widget ( ChooseAccount in this case). If I understand your question correctly, you want to change the PageView dynamically right? In that case you can do something like this:

  // List of pages in your app
  List<Widget> pages = [
    ChooseAccount(), // The choose account page
      color: Colors.blue,
    ), // Some other pages
      color: Colors.green,

You can then simply use this list of pages in the PageView combined with PageController to navigate between pages:

  // Define the controller here
  PageController _controller = PageController(initialPage: 0);

  // Use this method to navigate between pages (for example when changing tabs in the TabBar`
  navigateToPage(int index) {

// Use the controller and the pages with the PageView
    controller: _controller,
    physics: NeverScrollableScrollPhysics(),
    children: pages,

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