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How to convert CSV to Parquet in Julia

I have a CSV file that I want to convert to Parquet in Julia. I couldn't find anything about it in the forums nor the docs on this conversion. Is such a conversion possible in Julia or do I just simply read the CSV as Parquet? If so? How can I go about doing that?

This is what I have so far.

    using Pkg
    import CSV, DataFrames, Dates, StatsPlots, StatsModels
    import DataFrames.DataFrame
    using Plots, PlutoUI, HTTP, DelimitedFiles, Parquet

    df = CSV.read("/home/onur/julia-assignment/temp.csv", DataFrame)

Use Parquet.jl as in code below:

using CSV,DataFrames,Parquet
c = CSV.read(IOBuffer("a;b;c\n1;2.5;a\n2;3.5;b"), DataFrame, delim=";")
Parquet.write_parquet("dat.parquet", c)

As for a test let us try to read this back:

julia> Parquet.read_parquet("dat.parquet") |> DataFrame
2×3 DataFrame
 Row │ a       b         c
     │ Int64?  Float64?  String?
   1 │      1       2.5  a
   2 │      2       3.5  b

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