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Checking all rank is true without using mpi4py gather and scatter

I am trying to communicate between processes so that every processes are notified when all other processes are ready. The code snippet below does that. Is there a more elegant way to do this?

def get_all_ready_status(ready_batch):
    all_ready= all(ready_batch)
    return [all_ready for _ in ready_batch]

ready_batch= comm.gather(ready_agent, root=0)
if rank == 0:
    all_ready_batch = get_all_ready_status(ready_batch)
all_ready_flag = comm.scatter(all_ready_batch , root=0)                

If all the processes need to be aware which other processes are ready then you can use the comm.Allgather routine:

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy

size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

sendBuffer = numpy.ones(1, dtype=bool)
recvBuffer = numpy.zeros(size, dtype=bool)

print("Before Allgather => Process %s | sendBuffer %s | recvBuffer %s" % (rank, sendBuffer, recvBuffer))
comm.Allgather([sendBuffer,  MPI.BOOL],[recvBuffer, MPI.BOOL])
print("After Allgather  => Process %s | sendBuffer %s | recvBuffer %s" % (rank, sendBuffer, recvBuffer))


Before Allgather => Process 0 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [False False]
Before Allgather => Process 1 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [False False]
After Allgather  => Process 0 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [ True  True]
After Allgather  => Process 1 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [ True  True]

As pointed out in the comments by @Gilles Gouaillardet:

if all processes only have to know if all processes are ready, then MPI_Allreduce() is an even better fit.

The idea is that in theory Allreduce should be faster then Allgather because the former can use a tree communication pattern and because it will require to allocate and communicate less memory. More information can be found here .

In your case, you use MPI.LAND (ie, logical and) as the Allreduce operation operator.

An example:

from mpi4py import MPI
import numpy

size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()

sendBuffer =  numpy.ones(1, dtype=bool) if rank % 2 ==  0 else numpy.zeros(1, dtype=bool)
recvBuffer = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=bool)

print("Before Allreduce => Process %s | sendBuffer %s | recvBuffer %s" % (rank, sendBuffer, recvBuffer))
comm.Allreduce([sendBuffer,  MPI.BOOL],[recvBuffer, MPI.BOOL], MPI.LAND)
print("After Allreduce  => Process %s | sendBuffer %s | recvBuffer %s" % (rank, sendBuffer, recvBuffer))

if rank == 0:
   print("Second RUN")

sendBuffer =  numpy.ones(1, dtype=bool)
recvBuffer = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=bool)

print("Before Allreduce => Process %s | sendBuffer %s | recvBuffer %s" % (rank, sendBuffer, recvBuffer))
comm.Allreduce([sendBuffer,  MPI.BOOL],[recvBuffer, MPI.BOOL], MPI.LAND)
print("After Allreduce  => Process %s | sendBuffer %s | recvBuffer %s" % (rank, sendBuffer, recvBuffer))

The Output:

Before Allreduce => Process 1 | sendBuffer [False] | recvBuffer [False]
Before Allreduce => Process 0 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [False]
After Allreduce  => Process 1 | sendBuffer [False] | recvBuffer [False]
After Allreduce  => Process 0 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [False]
Second RUN
Before Allreduce => Process 0 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [False]
Before Allreduce => Process 1 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [False]
After Allreduce  => Process 0 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [ True]
After Allreduce  => Process 1 | sendBuffer [ True] | recvBuffer [ True]

In the first part of the output ( ie, before "Second RUN"), the result is FALSE because the processes with even rank where not ready (ie, False ) and the processes with odd rank where ready. Hence, False & True => False . In the second part, the result is True because all processes were ready.

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