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Replace textNode value substring with strong node and output to document

I'm trying to bold words inside a string using vanilla javascript (Stricly, no jQuery allowed), so far I have something like this but the string outputs [object HTMLElement] in the middle of the string.

const fullString = "This is a sentence, please bold the words sentence";
const wordToBold = "sentence";

const boldenWord = (word, fullstring) => {
  word = word.toLowerCase();

  const boldTextNode = document.createElement("strong");

  const textNode = document.createTextNode(word);


  fullstring = fullstring.replace(keyword, boldText);

  return fullstring;

const ul =  document.createElement('ul');
const li = document.createElement('li')

const liText = document.createTextNode(boldenWord(wordToBold,fullString))


const outerUL = document.querySelector("#myUlOuter ul")

This ends gives me the following output

<li>This is a [object HTMLElement], please bold the words [object HTMLElement]</li>

This is a [object HTMLElement], please bold the words [object HTMLElement]

but I'm after

<li>This is a <strong>sentence</strong>, please bold the words <strong>sentence</strong></li>

This is a sentence , please bold the words sentence

A text string is not of itself bold or otherwise. When rendered as HTML it can produce bold text if it contains <strong> </strong> tag pairs surrounding text to be rendered in bold.

The first option is to create an HTML source string by inserting strong tags around word or words in a text string, followed by inserting the HTML into the document. To ensure valid HTML you should also change any < , > or & characters in the input string to HTML character enties &lt; , &gt; or &amp; .

The second option is to create textNodes for portions of the string to be rendered as plain text, interspersed with HTMLElement nodes with tagName "strong".

A strong element for with specified text content can be created along the lines of

const strongElem = textContent => {
   let strong = document.createElement("strong");
   strong.textContent = textContent;
   return strong;

The exercise now becomes

  • create an output element
  • parse or scan the input string into successive parts of normal and bold text.
  • create text nodes for normal text and append them as child nodes of the output element, and
  • create strong nodes for bold text and, again, append them as child nodes of the output element in the same order as encountered.

You may still wish to change < , > or & characters in the word to be in bold to their character entity equivalents.

Hoping this helps completing the assignment.

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