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Track the time of a boolean being true

I am currently working on a Discord Bot that should track VC time.

I have a HashMap with the User's ID (long) and if the User is in a VC (boolean).
Now I want to get the time this boolean is true, I first thought of a thread with a loop that adds 1 to an int every second if the boolean is enabled, and A few Listeners that toggle the boolean if a user joins/leaves/mutes/deafens.
Would it be possible to have two methods to named something like enableVc(User user) and disableVc(User user) , and if I call disableVc(User user) , The difference between enableVc(User user) and now gets saved/added to java.time.Duration ?
(For saving, I would just store the Milliseconds of that Duration with the User's ID in a database)

You can use this to check every 10 seconds if the user is still in the voice and whether he's muted or deafen

        new Thread(() -> {
            while (true) {
                //check if user is in voice & not muted or deafend
                //apply coins or something
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(10000); //wait 10 seconds
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {

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