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Rabbit MQ heartbeat configuration not reflected using java

We are trying to set the requestedHeartbeat value using

 <rabbit:connection-factory id="connectionFactory" host="#{rabbitmq.hostname}" username="#{rabbitmq.username}" password="#{rabbitmq.password}" virtual-host="#{rabbitmq.virtualhost}" publisher-confirms="false" publisher-returns="false" requested-heartbeat="120" port="#{rabbitmq.port}"/>

we create a consumer object using

 AbstractApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath:/consumer_context.xml"); SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = context.getBean(SimpleMessageListenerContainer.class);

container.connectionFactory.rabbitConnectionFactory has the value as 120

But when we check the connections heartbeat in RabbitMQ UI, it shows the value as 60.

Could any one please suggest what am i missing?

I tried even with spring.rabbitmq.requested-heartbeat in application.properties as well. It did not work.

We are using spring-rabbit 2.1.8 RabbitMQ 3.7.15 Erlang 22.0.4

RabbitMQ config also has a heartbeat value, so you might want to change that too.

https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html Value representing the heartbeat timeout suggested by the server during connection parameter negotiation. If set to 0 on both ends, heartbeats are disabled (this is not recommended). See the Heartbeats guide for details. Default:

heartbeat = 60

https://www.rabbitmq.com/heartbeats.html#using-heartbeats-in-java Note that in case RabbitMQ server has a non-zero heartbeat timeout configured (which is the default in versions starting with 3.6.x), the client can only lower the value but not increase it.

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